
  • Gregorius Andika Ariwibowo Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Bandung, Indonesia




travel journal, traveller, Preanger Regency, daily life history


Artikel ini mengupas tentang travelogue atau jurnal perjalanan para pelancong yang berasal dari Eropa dan Amerika Serikat yang mengunjungi Karesidenan Priangan. Di samping juga mengenai bagaimana para pelancong ini memandang Jawa, terutama Priangan, beserta alam dan masyarakatnya. Meskipun perkembangan pariwisata di Hindia Belanda baru dimulai pada sekitar awal Abad Ke-20, namun kunjungan para turis yang sengaja ingin berlibur dan menjelajahi Hindia Belanda telah dimulai pada pertengahan Abad ke-19. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penulisan sejarah seperti penentuan tema, penelusuran sumber, kritik sumber, dan pada tahap terakhir yakni penulisan karya sejarah. Melalui travelogue tampak suatu bentuk keseharian dari para turis, elit kolonial, penduduk pribumi dan Eropa, serta hal-hal yang terkadang “hilang” dalam mengangkat sisi humanisme dan keseharian dalam kajian Historiografi Indonesia.This study want to analized about travelogue or travellers journal which written by travellers that came from abroad to Preanger Regency in the middle of 19th century until early 20th century. Furthemore this study will describe how the impressions of the traveller about Priangan Regency in the middle of 19th century until early 20th century. Even though development of Netherland Indies tourism just started in the early of 20th century, but traveller invitation to this region just started since early of middle of 19th century. This study will use methodology of historical studies such as tittle choosing, discovering, and criticizing of source and historiography written. With travelogue studies that written by traveller that came to Netherland Indies, we will know about another perspective of daily life hstory from thetourist selves, colonial elite, and of course common people that lived in Preanger Regency. Furthemore this studies will be force humanism and daily life studies that sometimes “missed” from Indonesian Historiography researched.


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